Joan Bassey
2 min readJul 13, 2024

While You’re Still Here...

I want you to hold my hand while you can move them.
Photo credit: Pinterest

I wouldn’t hear of a voice sweeter than the cadence of yours, so appealing. And If I tell it a million times your splendor still wouldn’t be told enough. I’m drawn to your countenance, ambiance, radiance. I want to stay around it and indulge it. But there would surely come a time when I would plead for these things and not have them.
So my favourite person, while we can, let’s take the world and make it our own. Let me cling unto your scent. Let me digest the air that you breath out. Let me feel your caress. While you’re still here let me feel your touch. You’re spectacular. A perfect force to throw at my heart and make it beat. Little wonder why I want to get lost in the hipnotization of your smile. Why I want to listen to you rant and chatter. Why I believe you’re the Cosmos' most important element. But even with that, you might not be here forever. So while you’re still here, I want the continuity of you around me. I want to hold your hand while I can feel them. I want you to hold my hand while you can move them. I want to talk to you now so I can be sure you’re listening. I want to compliment your efforts while you can improve them. Darling, I want to dance with you while your waist can sway and your shoulders can see-saw. While you’re not decomposed I want to hold your body tight unto my own.

My sweetheart and angel, let’s take the world and make it our own but assuming we can’t, let’s use this moment to ride up the mountains together and explore the oceans. Let’s make our story a poignant tale, while we’re still here.

Don’t forget, you can clap up to 50 times.

Joan Bassey
Joan Bassey

Written by Joan Bassey

Let me write, I'll feel better.

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